Thank you for visiting my web site.

My name is Lorraine (not Ellie, although you're totally forgiven for thinking so!) I am a happily married mum of three and a professionally qualified portrait and specialist newborn photographer based in Warwickshire.
Photography runs in my blood, thanks to my dad, whose passion I inherited. I grew up with a camera firmly attached to my hand and I've now spent 18 years as a professional photographer capturing memories for hundreds of families. Though I lost my dad in March 2019, his unwavering support helped build my business, and I'm forever grateful for that. 
I specialise in newborn photography and was one of the first in my area to focus on this wonderul genre. Based in the heart of England, my studio has welcomed hundreds of new families from places like Balsall Common and Meriden, Coventry, Kenilworth, Leamington Spa, Solihull, Warwick and right across the UK. It's been a joy to watch many of the newborns I've photographed grow up and return for more family sessions over the years. 


Hubby, me and our youngest (my own personal supermodel!)

Qualified with both the British Institute of Professional Photography and the Guild of Professional Photographers, I have won many awards for my photography work.
I am fortunate to have been tutored and mentored by some amazing photographers and Fellows of the Master Photographers' Association, British Institute of Professional Photography and the Guild of Professional Photographers.  I have also undertaken training with renowned celebrity newborn photographer Ana Brandt and, in a particular highlight of my creative journey, was fortunate to have one to one tuition with the amazing Glyn Dewis, part of Photoshop's World Dream Team of instructors. Photography is an ever-evolving art form and there is always something new to learn, so I constantly update my skills and knowledge by taking part in regular workshops and seminars.
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In a previous career I worked in Health and Safety and because of this and my concerns over a lack of regulation in the newborn photography industry I have spent many years promoting safe practice when working with newborns and babies.  I regularly talk about safe newborn posing through my blog and social media, and I have had articles published both nationally and internationally on this important subject. You can see some of these on my publications pages.
It seems like everyone is an 'award winning photographer' these days; The most important thing is for you to determine whether I am the right photographer for you. My photography style is relaxed, unhurried, and gently guided. From experience, I've found that relaxed, happy children lead to natural, beautiful photos. That's why I will never rush a session or set strict time limits. 
Left - One of my favourite photographers and biggest inspirations, my dad.
I invite you to browse my various portfolios on this website to see if my style matches what you are looking for in a portrait photographer. You can read more about my style here.
You will also find pricing details, terms and conditions, newborn information and my detailed photography blog on the pages of this website. If you can't find something or need further information, please get in touch!
I look forward to hearing from you.
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