What Is Composite Imagery?What is Composite Imagery? In photography, composite imagery refers to a method whereby multiple images are combined to create a final photograph. Photographers can use this technique to create wonderful, fantastical images or to simply place their subject against a different background. A newborn photographer will use this technique to ensure the safety and comfort of the baby they are photographing during the session. The use of composite imagery allows us to capture images of our tiny clients in various poses, whilst ensuring they are safely supported at all times to avoid any strain being placed on their necks or delicate limbs. In the following example I took a few images, each with dad safely supporting his tiny daughter, and then used post processing techniques to merge the photos together giving the illusion that baby was balancing her head in her hands. comp comp-2 comp-3 I am well known for my newborn with dog photography and to ensure safety I will always photograph my four legged clients separately to my two legged clients. If I am to photograph an older sibling with the new arrival I will often use this same techniqinue, especially if big brother or sister is still perhaps a little too young to understand how gentle they must be with the new arrival. I find that photographing my clients separately in this way also allows me to concentrate on each individual, thus increasing the chances of achieving a nice reaction from each of them in the finished photo. a c b In addition to composite imagery, a trained newborn photographer will use camera and lighting tricks to ensure safety, such as in the image below. Here, baby was lying on his side on a piece of black fabric while dad’s hands were positioned and my lighting placed to give the impression that baby was being held up in the air. newborn in dad's handsNewborn baby photographed in Coventry cradles in dad's hands. Composite imagery is just one of the ways a professional newborn photographer will ensure the safety of your baby during their newborn photography session. When choosing a newborn photographer make sure to ask about their methods of safe working and what newborn photography training they have received. Thanks for reading! Comments
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