Social Distance Portraits - Newborn, Child and Family Photographer Warwickshire

June 11, 2020  •  Leave a Comment


Ellie J Photography

Newborn, Child and Family Photographer Warwickshire


When the UK Government announced that non-essential businesses including photography studios could open again after lock-down I was thrilled.  Some apprehension began to creep in however, when the amount of preparation needed in order to safely open my doors and carry on with my business hit home.  

During the long weeks of lock-down I had already prepared a Covid 19 risk assessment and, with a studio measuring 27 feet in length and having entrances top and bottom, I am confident that with my longer lens I can easily work whilst keeping more than the required 2 metre distance from my clients.  As I prepare to get back to work however, I have also come to the disconcerting realisation that in order to maintain a similar level of business to what  I had pre-Coronavirus, I must embrace a new way of working.

I have already had a few clients asking about outdoor sessions and so, after being mainly studio based for the past 8 years, I have begun to look at venturing beyond the studio doors once more.

I am very fortunate to live right next door to a pretty little park with several spots for photography, including a little wooded area and stream. I am quite a perfectionist, and if I can't do something to the best of my ability I won't do it at all.  The first thing I needed to do was invest in some equipment as I had sold mine when I gave up weddings years ago.  Then, I needed someone to model for me as I blew the dust off my outdoor photography skills and hoped I could remember everything I had been taught! 

Enter my beautiful little niece Ella.

As soon as lock-down rules allowed, Ella and her lovely mummy came over and we ventured out at a safe social distance to take some photos.  It was an incredibly sunny day and, as any photographer will appreciate, my skills were certainly tested as bright sunshine is one of the most challenging conditions for outdoor photos!  Yes, I could have opted for a very early morning or late afternoon session to take advantage of the 'golden hour' but I wanted to put myself under the most pressure possible.  Besides, in the real world I'm aware that many clients just can't commit to the timing of a 'golden hour' session.  I figured that if I could cope with what I consider to be a nightmare outdoor shooting scenario,  I would be fine.  I'm not kidding, I honestly prefer cloudy even rainy days for outdoor portraits!

At three years of age, Ella was an absolute trooper and really tolerant of crazy Aunty Lorraine taking her on a tour of the park.  You'll see below some of the results and despite the challenging conditions, I was overall quite pleased.

Thanks for reading.  If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me!

Lorraine x

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