Then and Now - A Happier Coronavirus StoryThen and Now images A happier Coronavirus Story
Like many others, I’ve been struggling a bit during lockdown. This awful virus has caused so much heartache, and over the past few weeks of horrible statistics and worrying headlines, I admit I’ve been struggling to keep a brave face. I know, of course, that there are many people far worse off than me, but having to close Ellie J Photography has broken my heart. I’ve worked so hard to build my business up over twelve years and to suddenly have to shut the doors and just keep my fingers crossed that one day I’ll open them again is pretty soul destroying. As I said though, there are definitely people in far worse situations, so a few weeks ago, I began trying to come up with a way of spreading a bit of cheer during these miserable times. Enter my fantastic clients. It started off in a small way and quite un-intentionally. One client sent me a photo of her little girl playing ‘Ellie J Photography’ with her Lego. I hadn’t seen her for a little while, and to see how much she had grown since I first met her as a newborn, and how she still remembered her later session with me really made me smile. With mums permission, I posted the photos to my Facebook page where they had a good response. Then another client sent me an up-to-date photo of her daughter, alongside my newborn image of her and after that it just took off! So many wonderful images flooded my in-box, so many beautiful children I had photographed as little ones, alongside mum or dad’s up-to-date photo of them. So – I began posting, then scheduling the posts because I couldn’t keep up with them all. I decided to pick a name at random from all the clients who had contacted me and give away a free family session and digital files as a thank you. Soon I upped this to two free sessions, there were so many photos coming in! I am not exaggerating when I say this little project made me cry. I was so moved. Not just because I was seeing all these wonderful faces again, but because, quite simply, I realised my clients have not forgotten me. I had so many lovely messages, so many people saying how they still treasure my images, even after many years. Such wonderful feedback. Being honest for a moment, I am quite a recluse and I worry, boy do I worry! When I was forced to close Ellie J my insecurities all came out. What if everyone forgot about me? What if no-one was interested in my work when I open again? To receive so many messages and photographs lifted my spirits immensely, it meant so much to me. It wasn’t just me either - many, many people got in touch to say how seeing all those beautiful smiling faces on my Facebook page had brightened their day. Well all good things come to an end, and this week my little project naturally concluded. I’ve done my draw, notified the winners and can’t wait to see them as soon as I can safely re-open. If any of my clients who contributed are reading this, once again I want to say a huge THANK YOU so much for taking part in my Then and Now project. Believe me, you have made a lot of people very happy, and we all need plenty of happiness right now! Enough talk – lets see some of those gorgeous faces! These are just a fraction of the images I received, you'll find them all on my Facebook business page Thanks for reading everyone, and please stay safe xxx
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