And Now for Something Completely Different....Band Photography by Ellie J

April 02, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

One of my first jobs in 2018 was very exciting - but I also had to keep quiet about it for a couple of months so couldn't talk about the tons of fun I had in the studio one cold day back in January.

As an A Capella fan, I had watched the BBC's 'The Naked Choir' in autumn 2015.  Gareth Malone (another one of my faves) hosted the show which auditioned 400 A Capella choirs/groups before whittling the number down to a final eight, who then faced a televised showdown as they battled to become series champions.

Since winning the show, the well deserved victors of The Naked Choir, Birmingham based group The Sons of Pitches, have gone on to tour extensively across the UK and Europe in addition to releasing albums of their covers and more recently, an album of original music.  Their mastery of the human voice is amazing - and its so hard to believe when listening to them perform that the only instruments they use are their voices. They are also the nicest bunch of lads you could ever hope to meet.

Yes, I'm a bit of a fan.  So you can imagine that I was just a little bit chuffed to be asked to do some promotional photography for the Sons' new tour this coming autumn! Insert big smiley face here.

I've done singer/actor headshots before - I've photographed active children and giggly babies.  I've photographed crazy dogs and some very lively cats....but even this didn't quite prepare me for my day with the Sons of Pitches.

What a brilliant experience.

My clients will know that I don't have the largest of studio spaces.  Imagine this then - all six of the boys plus myself spending a day shooting in there.  The brief was fun, fun and more fun.  There were changes of clothes, smart suits to sparkly jackets, balloons, huge foam fingers...laughing, joke telling, funny faces and general horseplay throughout. It was great working with the lads, they knew what they wanted but were also open to ideas from me and I was really pleased with the results achieved from our collaboration.

What a totally bonkers and totally brilliant experience, the end of which saw the studio littered with so much debris and so many sparkly sequins that it resembled Liberace's dressing room. 

Fair to say I ended the day exhausted, but having loved every single second.

The lads are on tour again from 1st October with their new show 100 Number One Hits.

If you'd like to read more about the Sons of Pitches you can see their website here.  If you'd like to see them live you can book tickets for their next UK tour here.

Thanks for reading!

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